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OPIC_Recycling ☆ Vocabularyrecycling 분리수거, fixed day 지정된 날,well practiced 잘 실행되는, eco-friendly 친환경적인 garbage can 쓰레기통, lose 잃어버리다, separately 각각, hassle 귀찮은 것 recycling area 분리수거 장소, disgusting 역겨운1. Tell me about recycling in your country. How do people recycle?Recycling is the most important daily routine for Koreans. So, recycling is well practiced in Korea. People usually prepare three garbage cans at home.. 2024. 7. 18.
OPIC_Furniture/Appliance ☆ Vocabularyliving room, technician 기술자, built-in closet 붙박이장, broken 깨진, colorful, drop, massage machine 마사지 기계, crack 깨뜨리다, brighter 더 밝은1. Tell me about the furniture you have in your home. Is there a piece that is your favorite? I have various types of furniture and home appliances in my home. You know, in the living room, I have a TV, a sofa, and a table. And in my room I have a bed and a b.. 2024. 7. 18.
OPIC_Health ☆ Vocabularystay healthy 건강을 유지하다, vitamin 비타민, junk food 불량식품, effective 효과적인, work out 운동하다go bad 상하다, sufficient 충분히, health-consciout 건강을 생각하는, energetic 에너지가 넘치는healthy food 건강식1. Tell me about someone you know who is very healthy. What is this person like?I think that my friend is very healthy. She tries to stay healthy , so she does tons of things.First, she tries to eat healthily She eat.. 2024. 7. 18.
OPIC_Restaurant ☆ Vocabularyeat out  외식하다, Korean grilled pork 한국 돼지 고기, after work 퇴근후, side dish 반찬, get to food to go 음식을 포장해서 가다, order in 시켜먹다, vegetarian 채식주의자1. Tell me about your favorite restaurant. What does it look like? Why do you like it?There are a lot of restaurants in Korea. They are located near subway stations or bus stations becausea lot of people are eating out these days. I think that I lik.. 2024. 7. 18.
OPIC_BANK ☆VocabularyMake a wire transfer 계좌이체하다, banking system 은행시스템, withdraw 인출하다, teller 은행 직원, window 창구, open/close an acoount 계좌를 개설하다/ 없애다1. Tell me about the banks in our country. What does they look like?I think that there are lots of banks in Korea. We can see them everywhere. Also,they are usually located near subway stations, bus stations, or companies. When you walk into the bank, you can s.. 2024. 7. 18.
OPIC_Holiday ☆Vocabularyhave a meal 식사하다, ancestor 조상, day off 휴일, tradition 전통, grandparent  조부모, traffice jam 교통체증1. Describe your country’s holidays. What do people do during these holidays?There are two big family holidays in Korea. We have Lunar New Y ear’s and Thanksgiving Day. There are a lot of activities that we do on those holidays. Firstly, we visit our hometowns to meet the family. When we get to.. 2024. 7. 18.