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by eager33 2024. 7. 18.

☆ Vocabulary

stay healthy 건강을 유지하다, vitamin 비타민, junk food 불량식품, effective 효과적인, work out 운동하다

go bad 상하다, sufficient 충분히, health-consciout 건강을 생각하는, energetic 에너지가 넘치는

healthy food 건강식

1. Tell me about someone you know who is very healthy. What is this person

I think that my friend is very healthy. She tries to stay healthy , so she does tons of things.

First, she tries to eat healthily She eat s various vegetables for her health.

She does not eat junk food because it is un healthy. Also, she tries to workout every day. 

She likes to go hiking, jogging, and swimming. She takes yoga classes and takes walks as well. 

She does it every day. Lastly, she takes sufficient breaks. She is energetic , but she is so busy. 

This is the reason why she takes plenty of breaks. Anyway, I am going to go hiking with her.

2. Tell me about the things you have done to become healthy.

I have tried various things to become healthy. Firstly, I have tried to work out every day.

I have gone to the park and worked out after work . I have taken walks and jogged.

Sometimes, I've done home training as well. And I also have tried to eat healthy food . I tried to take vitamins and tried not to eat instant food. Plus, I have tried not to drink too much. 

Actually, I love drinking so it was a little hard for me. Anyway, I have tried a lot of things to become heathy.

3. Tell me about the most effective ways to become healthy. Tell me something
you have done to try to improve your health.

As I told you , I have tried various things to become healthy. Among them, working out was the most

effective way to become healthy. In the past, I used to take a rest after work because I was too tired.

Also, I spent my time at home during the weekends. I did nothing and took a rest at home with

my smartphone or TV. So, I tried to develop my physical strength by working out. I tried to take a walk for an
hour after work. And I also tried to go jogging. The first time it was too difficult, but I felt like I was becoming 

healthier as time went by. Therefore, I think that working out was the most effective w ay to become healthy.


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