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by eager33 2024. 7. 18.

☆ Vocabulary

weather 날씨  outdoor activity 실외활동 mild 포근한,적당한  cherry blossom 벚꽃 extremely 극도로 

global warming 지구온난화 humid 습한  Asian Dust 미세먼지 freezing cold 매섭게추운  phenomenon 현상

1. Tell me about the weather in your country. Are there different seasons?

I like my country’s weather because Korea has four seasons. It has spring,
summer, fall, and winter. In spring and fall, the weather is very mild So, a lot of
people enjoy picnic s in this weather. I enjoy picnics with my friends in that
season. I think it is the perfect weather to go hiking as well. In the summer, it is
gets extremely hot. During the ra iny season it is so humid Also, in the winter, the
weather is freezing cold . So, I like staying at home. My favorite season is spring
because it has nice weather, so I can do outdoor activities . And it is spring in
Korea now. Therefore, I’m going to go to the park to enjoy this weather.

2. Describe the weather today. What is happening right now?

[spring] It’s spring in Korea. I love spring because the temperature is mild so it’s
perfect picnic weather. Also, a lot of people are planning to go to the cherry
blossom festival these days. Since the weather is so nice, we are wearing light
clothes. I’m so happy to enjoy this weather. The best thing about the spring is
that I c an go on a picnic, so I'm going to the Han River park to enjoy picnicking
this coming weekend.
[summer] It’s summer in Korea. I love summer because the tem perature is extremely
hot ! Moreover, It’s so humid and sticky during the rainy season. That’s why a lot
of people are planning to go t o the swimming pool these days. Since the weather
is so hot, we are wearing light clothes. I’m so happy to enjoy this weather because
I can go swimming. The best thing about the summer is that we can enjoy su mmer
activities so I’m going to go swimming this coming weekend with my friends!
[ fall] It’s fall in Korea. I love fall because the temperature is extremely chilly .
Moreover, it’s mild enough to go on picnic and I’m looking forward to seeing maple
leaves. That’s why a lot of people are planning to go hiking these days. Since the
weather is so chilly , we are starting to wear jackets . I’m so happy to enjoy this
weather because my birthday is coming. The best thing about the fall is that we
can enjoy o utdoor activities so I’m going to hiking this coming weekend with my
[winter][winter] It’s winter in Korea. I love winter because it is It’s winter in Korea. I love winter because it is freezing cold.freezing cold. So, a lot of So, a lot of people are wearing people are wearing heavy clothesheavy clothes these days. Also, we are looking forward to these days. Also, we are looking forward to enjoyenjoyinging winter sports like snowboarding, skiing, and so on.winter sports like snowboarding, skiing, and so on. I’m so happy to enjoy I’m so happy to enjoy this season because this season because Christmas is comingChristmas is coming. I’m going to have. I’m going to have aa Christmas party with Christmas party with my family. The best thing about the winter is my family. The best thing about the winter is that we can enjoy that we can enjoy winter activitieswinter activities,, so I am going to go snowboarding this coming weekend with my friends! so I am going to go snowboarding this coming weekend with my friends!

3. How has the weather in your country changed over the years?
Are there any differences?

I think that the weather has changed a lot because of global warming . The best
thing about the weather in the past was that we could really feel four seasons
For example, we could feel the mild weather in spring and fall. And the weather
was really hot in the summer and freezing in the winter . But now, it has changed.
The weather of the spring and fall is shorter than before . It passes in the blink of
an eye . Also, the Asian D ust has gotten a lot worse The worst thing about it is
that we have to wear a mask every day . I miss the weather in the past.


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