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by eager33 2024. 6. 25.



Communication 소통, reschedule 일정을 반영하다, hair saion 미용실, thankful 감사하는, save time 시간을 절약하다. cancel 취소하다, supposed to ~ 해야만 했다, shampoo 샴푸로 감다, explain 설명하다

1. Tell me about the appointments you have in your life .

There are a lot of appointments. We have appointments with friends, doctors, hair stylists, and so on.

We usually make an appointment using our smartphone because we have a communication application these days. People make a group chat room and make an appointment by talking about the date, time, and the place to meet. It is much easier than before.

Also, if we want to make an appointment with the doctor s or hair salon, we can chat or make a phone call aswell. I think that the best thing about making an appointment is that we can save time.


2. Tell me about an appointment you remember from your childhood. Maybe you visited the doctor, the dentist, or a new school.  Tell me about it in detail.

I remember going to an appointment at the hair salon when I was a kid. I went there to get a haircut with

mom. So, my mom made an appointment with the phone. She told them the date and time, and then they made an appointment. On that day, we got there on time. My hair stylist was waiting for me. I got my hair shampooed, cut, and dried. It was so cool! My hairstylist did a good job. I was satisfied with the look,

so I was really happy then.

3. Tell me about the most memorable experience that happened when you had       an appointment. Why is it so memorable?

I remember a time when I was supposed to get my hair done at the hair salon. However, I got really sick at the last minute. I had a stomachache . So, I called the hair salon and explained my situation. I told them that I couldn’t make it to my appointment.  I asked to reschedule it.

I was so sorry about it. I am thankful that they understood my situation that day.


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