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Today's English 500 sentences( ~100)

by eager33 2024. 1. 31.

오늘부터는 영어 공부를 위해 무작정 500 문장을 외우기에 도전해 보고자 합니다. 이를 위해서 Daily 20 문장씩 공부하도록 하겠습니다. 20 문장의 한글 문장만 보고 영어로 정확히 표현한다면 Pas s 하는 식으로 체크해 보시기 바랍니다. 금일은 81 ~ 100번 문장입니다.



☎ Today's English Expression


81. Diane과 Paul이 여기에 있니? / 아니그들은 아직 도착하지 않았어.

82. Diane과 Paul 벌써 도착 했니? / 아직.

83. 우리는 작년에 휴가를 떠나지 않았어.

84. 윌리암 셰익스피어는 1564년부터 1616까지 살았고그는 작가였어.

85. Andy는 몇 시에 외출했니?

86. 스페인에 가본 적 있니?

87. 오렌지는 캐나다로 수입 돼.

88. 나는 파티에 초대된 적 없어.

89. 전화기는 언제 발명되었니?

90. 나는 콜럼비아에서 1989에 태어났어.

91. 내 자동차는 차고에 있어그것은 수리 중이야.

92. 몇몇의 새 집들이 공원 반대편에 지어지고 있어.

93. 이 셔츠는 세탁된 것이니?

94. 이 방은 더 이상 더럽지 않아청소되었거든.

95. 비가 오지 않아서우리는 우산이 필요 없었어.

96. 어떻게 창문이 깨진 거니?

97. Tom은 말을 타본 적이 없어.

98. Chris는 자주 외출 하지 않아.

99. 어제 케이크를 만들었어.

100. 커피 몇 잔을 타왔어.


81. Are Diane and Paul here? / No, they didn't arrive yet.

82. Did Diane and Paul arrive already? / Not yet

83. We didn't take a vacation last year.

84. Wiliam shakepeare lived from 1564 to 1616. He was a writer.

85. What time did Andy go out? 

86. Have you ever been to Spain?

87. Orange are imported into Canada.

88. I am never invited to parties.

89. When was the telephone invented?

90. I was born in colombia in 1989.

91. My car is at the garage. It is being repared.

92.  Some new houses are being built across from the park.

93. Has this shirts been washed?

94. This room is not dirty any more. It has been cleaned.

95. It wasn't raining, so we didn't need an umbrella.

96. How was the wondow broken? 

97. Tom has never ridden a horse.

98. Chris doesn't go out very often

99. I made a cake yesterday.

100. I have made  some coffee.


☎ Today's English a famous saying


I love being married.

It's so great  to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.


나는 결혼하는 것을 사랑해요.

남은 생애 동안 괴롭히고 싶은 특별한 사람을 찾는 것은 정말 멋진 일이에요.


☎ Today's English Movie quote


Who wouldn't?  누구들 안 그러겠어?

ex) That's what he would want to do too. Who wouldn't?


'영어공부' 카테고리의 다른 글

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