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by eager33 2024. 5. 18.




grab some drinks, have some drinks 간단하게 한잔하다,  staff dinner 회식, occasion 행사, 기념일, hangover 숙취, drinking 음주, fancy bar 근사한 술집, local bar 동네 술집, break the ice 서먹한 분위기를 깨다,

Spice up the mood 분위기르 띄우다, bond with co-workers  동료와 친해지다,  hang out with the friends 친구들과 어울리다, got drunk 술 취했다, got wasted and blacked out 만취해서 필름이 끊겼다,

had a hangover 숙취가 있었다,  sober up 술을 깨다.

1.  You indicated in the survey that you go to bars. Tell me about a pub or bar you
like to go to.

I think that I like going to the bar because I can relieve my stress, and I love drinkingbeerbecause it makes mefeelexcited. So, I enjoy drinking beer when I feel gloomy.My favorite bar is a pub that serves various kinds of beerfrom all over the world. The reason why I like thispub is that I can enjoy all kinds of beer from all over the world. When wewalk into the bar, we can see the big tables and chairs where people can enjoy drinking. So, we can have gatheringsin there. Also, I love gathering at a bar with my friends and colleagues. The reason why I like gatheringtogetheris that it is the best way to communicatewithmy friends and colleagues after work. That’s why I like going to the pub. However, I do not like drinking too much.

2. Think about the bars you used to go to. How have they changed over the

I think that bars have changed a lot. In the past, my favorite bar was a pub. I was into drinking beer because it made me feel excited. Also, I liked going to the pub because I could drink domestic beer. It was very close to my house. The best thing was that I could drink for a long time because I was a regular there. I didn’t like drinking too fast. I like drinking and talking with my friends for a long time. I was able to relieve stress in there. But now, I like various bars like Korean bars, wine bars, and so on. The bars are very beautiful these days, and we can listen to different types of musicas well. So, I like going to various bars with my friends. Bars have definitely changed a lotover the years. 

3. Tell me about a memorable experience that happened at a bar. Why is it so

I remember a time last winterwhen I ran into an old classmate.Iwas drinking beer and catching upwith my friend at a bar. Suddenly, someone called my name. I looked upand sawRachel, my old classmate from high school.I was really surprisedthen! Because I hadn’t seen her in over ten years. So, I was very surprisedat that time. I asked herwhereshe lived, and she told me she had moved to my neighborhood. We exchanged phone numbers and promised to meet again to catch up.So, that’s it. That was the most memorable experiencethat I have had at a bar. 



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